Wednesday, July 9, 2008

SAM and LIFE...

Day Eleven:

We woke up in Ngandu and walked over to the SAM garden where we would be doing some landscaping. I'm pretty sure today has been the hottest day in the entire world. This was the first time Angie had been to one of the SAM gardens and she was really excited to start working in it. We had to level out out the ground so we could start planting new seedlings. All the households involved in our enterprise rely on fuelwood for heating and cooking. Consequently, women walk increasingly greater distances to cut down native trees, adding to their work day and environmental degradation. The SAM Project is growing fast-growing hardwood and softwood seedlings such as Eucalyptus and Sesbania in our gardens, which will be transplanted to establish woodlots near each school. So it's crucial to get the gardens landscaped so we can begin planting seedlings. After about three hours working in the garden Colin and Nigel picked us up and we went back to the base. I'm sitting in outside by the gorge and it's a breathtaking view. It sure is going to be hard to part with this place. My friend Jack Mututwa is coming out pretty soon after he finishes his meeting with overland missions. I think we're going to play for volley-ball, kind of or night time ritual. Although he consistently spikes it at me and I can never return it. So maybe if he wants to be nice I'll consider playing! The other night Nigel went around making teams for volleyball and he didnt ask any of the girls to play on the entire base. So we were a little offended and so we made a girls team, and we've been loosing quite bad and I think people are just getting fed up with us. haha, oh well. I've made a lot of good friends so far on the base. I cook, share music, swap stories, and just hangout with them. We've all kind of become a family here!

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