Monday, July 7, 2008

Wonder Of The World...

Day Nine:

This morning we went to the three star hotel for nice brunch! I ordered a salad, I was craving fresh vegetables very badly and it was so lovely up until a damn baboon swung down and snatched the food right off my fork and sat there eating it right infront of me. Didn't take long for the guards to come scare it away but there are so many of them they just hang around you all day. If someone told me that before we left I would have thought that was really cool, but not anymore! I guess they're still pretty incredible animals though.

After brunch we walked over to Victoria Falls which is one of the seven natural wonders of the world, it's over 1700 ft. long. As we were walking over to the falls we passed a group of Zebras!! I was so excited, and you could walk right up to them. Once we got over to the falls I saw a bunch of people renting head-to-toe rain gear, and I didn't really understand why. I soon did after we turned the corner and got completly drenched just from the spray coming from the falls. It was so powerful. Victoria Falls is also known as Mosi-oa-Tunya (the Smoke that Thunders). Then as we were walking I noticed a bridge that people were Bunjee Jumping off of and I tried to convince someone to come with me, but no. Not even Nigel! The person who isn't afraif of anything. So I am quite dissapointed, because that would have been insane. But even being there to begin with was pretty insane.

It's really sweet that we're here to work and we're able to spend our weekends going to tourist attractions. We get to experience both sides of African Life which most people don't get to do.

We also went into Livingstone today, went by the market and Colin bought some food for tomorrows lunch and I went to a few stores to look at buying some clothing. The prices are so different from home aswell, I bought a skirt for $3, and I could have got one for cheaper, depending on how I bargain. I really hate bargaining here though since everything already so cheap, but a lot of people do it. Nigel's really good at it, us girls kind of just get sucked in to whatever, haha. Although I have been trading my hair elastics for artwork! I think I'm gonig to need an extra suitcase for all the curios I'm bringing home.

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