Friday, July 4, 2008

Duck Duck Chicken...

Day Seven:

Independence Day. Ah, last night all I could hear were those damn baboons from Zimbabwe! They're so loud, then the dogs at the base would just keep barking at them. But, on a brighter note - Nigel brought us back to the preschool today! We brought crayons and lots of paper for the class because they go outside and write in the sand when they're learning how to write their alphabet etc. It's really crazy to see the difference between what we have and how they're living.

Well, today Brenda (the pre-school teacher) asked us to share our favorite bible stories during class. This of course wouldn't be a problem... if we were Christian. So the three of us look at each other with wide eyes trying to come up with something. The best we could get was "Your stories are far better than ours, what are your favorites". Good save, I guess. Brenda smiled and was a little confused but continued. After class had ended we went outside to play a few games, and we asked them if they knew how to play duck duck goose. They looked at us really odd and said "You mean, duck duck chicken?" Haha, of course it's duck duck chicken, since they don't have any geese over there. So we played a few rounds of that, and man those kids are fast. Then we decided to play Red Rover. And once again they looked at us oddly and said, "Don't you mean Land Rover?" So that was pretty funny to watch them play that. (Land rover land rover we call emily over).

We came back two hours ago and I was just at Nigel and Colins tent brainstorming ideas for the SAM project movie we're wanting to film while we're here. A film-maker Chad is coming in a couple of days and he's going to help get footage with us.

Well Nigel just came to get us, there's a Volley-Ball game going down right now. Although, I do have a huge ant infestation in my tent because I've been craving chocolate and my incredibly smart mother packed some for me in the bag and I've been eating it and I guess from the crumbs, ants have been coming. Pretty sure I'll be getting in trouble for this. Wooopsies.


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